Christmas is always a super-busy time for me with DT Craft & Design and I wanted first to say a huge thank you to everyone who has supported us this year.

Whether you’ve been on a workshop, purchased from the shop, visited us at a show or just kept in touch with us via our Facebook page or Twitter (or even in person!), we can only do what we do with your kind support.

We are small and, strange as it may seem in these days of an increasing number of online behemoths, we like it that way. It means I can stay personally involved with the business and provide advice, help and product support and I think (well, I hope!) that is one of the reasons we are still here 10 years on.

With that in mind we have lots of plans for 2016 that will hopefully give me an opportunity to be more interactive and to pull together lots of the “stuff” (I was going to say knowledge but it sounded a bit pretentious!) I’ve shared (and learned) over the last 10 years and beyond and make it more available. If that sounds a bit mysterious it’s because I’m on a bit of a steep IT-learning curve so I’m not sure what I can do yet!

So, I hope you’ve had a lot of dyeing and textiles fun in 2015 and that 2016 is equally colourful and creative!

Thanks again,

