Making Futures is a social enterprise that works with a wide range of groups to improve health, wellbeing, self-esteem and employability through creative arts. We passionately believe in the power of the arts to enhance people’s lives, reduce stress, combat loneliness and foster community cohesion.
We work alongside community groups, third sector and voluntary organisations, businesses and other social enterprises to provide:
- Business mentoring and support, particularly for individuals looking to set up creative businesses
- Creative arts workshops and sessions as part of the 5 Ways to Wellbeing initiative
- Community and group workshops and projects to help build stronger communities, foster community spirit, encourage inter-generational activities and to improve social wellbeing
- Arts Award courses to develop young people and offer opportunities for an accredited qualification in a wide range of arts-based actitivies
- Open Badges – Founded by Mozilla and supported by the MacArthur foundation, Open Badges empower individuals to take their learning with them, wherever they go, building a rich picture of their lifelong learning journey. Thousands of organizations across the world already issue Open Badges, from non-profits to major employers to educational institutions at all levels.