One of the frustrations of having had a broken back has been that my OCA Textiles Degree work was effectively on hold between March and December. As I was supposed to have finished, not only Module 2 – Mixed Media for Textiles – but also Module 3 by the end of September this is not […]
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Tag: mixed media for textiles
Online Dyeing & Textiles Courses (aka de
Online Dyeing & Textiles Courses, new website and more. They say that every cloud has a silver lining so hopefully this will be mine…. I am finally going to write the online dyeing and textiles courses I’ve been promising to put together for ages! Following my accident I have been effectively confined to daytime tv […]
OCA – Mixed Media for Textiles
Readers of my OCA blog/s will know that I recently signed up for the second module of my textiles degrees. This is a new OCA module, Mixed Media for Textiles and looks really exciting! Most of the degree work will be on my new OCA blog (will update with a link once it’s set up!), […]