Online Dyeing & Textiles Courses, new website and more.
They say that every cloud has a silver lining so hopefully this will be mine….
I am finally going to write the online dyeing and textiles courses I’ve been promising to put together for ages!
Following my accident I have been effectively confined to daytime tv and being a couch potato. Luckily I can now knit and crochet a bit even if I’m not up to anything complex (painkillers and valium have great benefits but don’t do much for the concentration!).
However, a lucky find in the understairs cupboard has revealed a rather grubby but perfectly serviceable folding table that neatly slots under the couch and is at a good height for typing and writing. Courtesy of my lovely hubby, he has rigged up the laptop so I can now type, write and do a bit of drawing/design, at a height that doesn’t interfere too much with the spine brace (woohoo!).
So, as it seems likely this healing lark is going to be a bit of a long-term ‘project’, in addition to the new courses I’m planning to tackle some of those IT and design-related projects that always seem to end up being relegated to the “nice to do” list and never quite get onto the actual “done” list.
Other current plans are to finish designing and officially launch my new website (don’t worry, the shopping website will be remaining in the hands of the IT expert), to teach myself some new graphic design skills, get my back catalogue of designs out and snazz up/re-work some of my designs.
So, to stay tuned for further developments and news of how to join the new courses, you can sign up for the newsletter or follow the blog. If there’s anything specific you’d like to see in the courses, please add a comment or drop me an email at
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